Lauren is passionate about helping people uncover what is holding them back. 

Thanks to advances in neuropsychology, we know that the brain is capable of changing and healing due to its neuroplasticity. Lauren’s goal is to help her clients uncover what is at the core of their issues that may have caused neurological patterns or automatic responses in the nervous system. Bringing awareness to these wounds and deficits helps facilitate the repair work that creates new neural pathways that usher in healing. 

In addition to this deeper work, Lauren places value on exploring the lifestyle elements that impact mental health, in order to restore happiness and fulfillment. Lauren believes that healing is a daily practice that requires a lifestyle of conscious objectives and goals. 

Lauren embodies integrated experience as a coach and licensed psychotherapist who has experienced transformational healing personally as a brain tumor survivor. This symbiosis informs her work deeply, allowing her to meet clients where they are at and customize a wide range of treatments to affect lasting change.