Concierge Therapy: The New Treatment Model for Addressing the Most Persistent Issues

In addition to standard weekly psychotherapy, I offer clients with more pressing and persistent issues a higher level of care called Concierge Psychotherapy. Concierge therapy is a highly individualized form of treatment and care utilizing evidence- and research-based psychotherapeutic models. Curated to fit the individual’s culture, work and lifestyle, sessions occur at a higher frequency with a more expansive style of treatment options. Oftentimes I may bring in adjunct practitioners—wellness specialists in both the alternative and western medicine fields—to create a comprehensive, holistic treatment program. My concierge therapy programs utilize an asset-based approach to create a solution-focused frame for my clients to move forward.

Who is the right fit for concierge therapy?

Concierge therapy is for people that really want to heal. It’s for individuals who want or need a higher level of care, e.g., those who are going through a big change in their lives or wanting to address their situation from a holistic approach incorporating physical, spiritual, emotional, psychological and neurobiological aspects.

 Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Ending a relationship 

  • A major change in career or life

  • Parent/child conflict or peri- and post-natal issues

  • Breaking compulsive thinking and behaviors, e.g., codependency or restrictive eating 

  • Working alongside a 12-step program of recovery 

  • Someone wanting to focus deeply on changing an issue that is restrictive or destructive

  • Addressing trauma and traumatic events   

I see concierge clients two to three days per week and design an individualized lifestyle program. I often refer to and collaborate with adjunct practitioners, customized depending on a client’s goals and needs. Concierge therapy tends to be brief therapy in that it will be anywhere from 1-3 months long. I also give specific homework to complete outside of therapy sessions. I work with trusted neurologists, neurofeedback clinicians, psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, fitness experts, hormone specialists, general and alternative doctors, yoga therapists, coaches, massage therapists and nutritionists.   

I refer, coordinate and oversee a client’s individualized group of practitioners on a weekly basis to keep goals on track and evolving during the treatment plan. For more info, please contact me to request a 20-minute free consultation.


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